How long does it take?
Most orders are completed in about 2-3 weeks after being received at our facility.
Turnaround may be extended around the holidays.
Is it safe? Will you return my originals?
Your original media is not altered in any way and are securely stored during the
process. Everything that you send us whether it is in boxes, reel cans, carousels, sleeves, etc. are returned intact, so if need be, can be viewed or transferred again.
What if I'm not satisfied?
Customer satisfaction is paramount to us and the work is guaranteed. We will fix any
problems that may arise with the exception with viewing or playing devices which could be outdated.
Do you have any issues concerning the content of my media?
Media transfer may not be achieved for the following
· Blank or undeveloped
· Non-supported
· Objectionable
· Copy
· Copyrighted
· Media with extreme physical
Will I be able to
edit and share my movies?
Yes! These memories are yours and you can do with it what you wish. Nothing we provide
to you is copy protected and no with the popularity of MP4 files on USB editing and sharing is even easier.
Will my new DVD play on my DVD
We use general use DVD-R media for video and CD-R media for audio which we find are
compatible with most brand name players produced in the last 20 years. As technology moves rapidly, older player may have viewing issues. Modern HD DVD players (including Blu-ray) and TVs can handle
almost all video DVDs that we produce.
I want to edit my new DVD on my home computer. Can I simply
drag and drop my DVD files onto my computer?
Yes! All the DVDs and CDs that we produce are not encrypted, you would require editing
and authoring software to edit or create a new DVD.
What technology do you use to capture film to DVD?
We use professional Telecine film to digital conversion which scans the film frame by
frame eliminating issues such as ‘flicker’ or cropping. Once in digital format, the captured video can be enhanced, edited and authored utilizing computer software.
Is there any risk of damage to my film?
No. The use of a white balanced cool LED light source instead of a hot bulb guarantees
not only the safety of your films but greater control of how light is distributed over the entire film frame while the capture process is underway.
Can you improve the quality of the recording on my film?
Due to aging, adverse storage conditions and improper handling, the quality of the
original film may be adversely affected. However our qualified technicians can discuss with you options for enhancing and editing your film.
In what order will you put my movies onto the DVD?
If possible, customers may supply their films in chronological order. This would allow
us to capture the films in the order requested. Otherwise we will number the films ourselves.
How many reels will fit onto one DVD?
We can fit approximately 1800 feet of 8mm or Super 8mm to a DVD and 4000 feet of 16mm.
This is the equivalent of 2 hours of footage.
How many feet of film are contained on each reel?
8mm film and Super8 film are normally supplied in the following
3″ reel (50 feet) 3-4 minutes
4″ reel (100 feet) 6-7 minutes
5″ reel (200 feet) 13-15 minutes
6″ reel (300 feet) 20-23 minutes
7″ reel (400 feet) 26-29 minutes
16mm film would be approximately half of 8mm film or Super8
My film box says 25 feet, is that accurate?
The small film boxes could denote that the film is “Double 8mm”, which means that the
film is actually twice as wide and two separate exposed strips. When the reel was developed, the 25 foot double 8mm reels was split down the middle and spliced end to end which totals 50 foot of 8mm
If I have printed photos and the corresponding negatives/slides, which should I
Scanning negatives or slides will produce a cleaner image, except in the case of
damaged negatives or slides. Negatives and slides are also typically easier to ship than print photos. However, we are more than happy to scan prints, negatives, or slides to
What types of images do you convert?
Standard prints sizes are 2” x 3” to 8” x 10” .
Non-Standard prints are smaller than 2” x 3” or larger than 8” x
Standard slides would be mainly 35mm slide film mounted in 2" x 2" cardboard or
plastic holders. Non-standard slides would be 110, 126, 127 or 135.
Standard Negatives are 35mm cut in strips no less than 2 frames per strip or
uncut in continuous rolls of 24 or 36 exposures. APS (240mm) negatives are also regarded as standard.
Non-Standard negatives are 110, 120/220, 126, 127, 135, medium format, and large
We also transfer 35mm negatives, and negatives that are the following formats: 110,
120/220, 126, 127, 135, medium format, and large format.
Do you accept 35mm mounted slides in carousels?
Yes, but we only accept them in Kodak carousels which hold either 80 or 140
What types of films do you convert?
We specialize in Standard 8mm, Super 8 and 16mm Film.
What video-tapes do you convert?
Videotapes: VHS, Betamax, U-Matic and BetaCam formats.Camcorder tapes: VHS-C, 8mm, Hi8
and Video8, MiniDV formats.
Can I combine video multiple video tapes onto one DVD?
Yes we can combine multiple video tapes on one DVD. We strongly recommend that you
label the videotapes in chronological order. For optimum quality we only transfer 2 hours of video on one DVD. Therefore each video tape up to two hours will get its own DVD. If the tape exceeds two
hours, this would require us to put the rest of it onto a second, third, or fourth DVD.
8 mm Transfer to DVD in Richmond Hill
Regular8 Transfer to DVD